Everything begins with knowing and criticizing what there is, not just from our standpoint but from eyes of every stakeholder involved
خدمات سازمانی
When you find what is not right and how things should be, creativity makes ways towards better futures
خدمات سازمانی
All is done through communication! Is there anything else that we, humans can do to build shared futures? We don't think so
ابزارهای تعامل ما را ببینید!

We love to talk to you

Digargooni Design Academy

Digargooni is our academy where we learn together

Each year, we sum up our learnings in different projects and offer them to design enthusiasts mainly in Iran but we sometimes run online workshops in English too

This year we are holding “Ham-Masir” a workshop for learning service design and “Ham-Kaar” a full course for future service designers to know all about service design business and how its done in reality

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